June 1, 2020

Payments made simple and easy with Partial Payments

billPort has been evolving every year and new features are getting added to help advisors and RIA bill their clients fast and accurate. Although billPort’s forte is client billing, it also tracks the payments that you receive from your clients via checks. It tracks all the check payments and automatically lets you know the pending payments and the current balances […]
May 11, 2020

Advantages of having software to bill your clients

A firm managing more than 3,000 accounts generates the bill each month. Imagine a scenario, where the firms charge the retirement accounts only when their AUM is crossed $25,000. Given the spread of huge number of accounts and new accounts coming in each month, it is difficult for firms to track the number of retirement accounts crossing the billable limit. […]
October 22, 2019

Arcons launches free trial for billing